Where we meet
We think of the choir as one large choir that happens to meet in two cities. Every member of the choir is welcome in either of our areas, both for weekly sessions and for concerts. We always arrange at least one performance in each of our areas every season, so everyone has the chance to perform locally, as well as having the chance to travel if they wish.
Other locations
For some optional events, such as soloist development sessions or one-off workshops, we use a venue in a central location, roughly in the middle of our other areas. This is Bolsover Parish Church, located just off junction 29a of the M1.
Remote access choir
If you aren't based near either of our locations but would be interested in joining the choir remotely, we may be able to help. Take a look at this link for a few more details, then get in touch to discuss what's possible.
Further afield
From time to time, we organise special one-off events in other locations. These are always optional, and often exciting! In the past, these events have included:
A 200+ voice flash mob at St Pancras International Station, London
A "musical mystery tour", taking in a ferry trip across the Mersey, with a concert and banquet at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
Celebrating the work of Victoria BID with three flash mobs - one in Victoria Station, one outside Westminster Cathedral, and the final one outside Buckingham Palace
A five-day residential in a stately home